
Did judges remain independent and unbiased in cases before them?

18 May

“BREAKING: The New York Times reported last night that Justice Alito flew an upside-down American flag outside his house days before President Biden’s inauguration, a symbol of support for the January 6th insurrection and the “Stop the Steal” movement that spread the lie that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election.

Even worse, at the time that Justice Alito was flying this flag of MAGA allegiance, the Supreme Court was weighing whether to accept for review a case central to Trump’s scheme to overturn the 2020 election. The Supreme Court ultimately refused to hear that case, but Justice Alito voted to hear it and issued a dissent.

Today, Justice Alito is participating in cases involving the January 6th insurrection, including Trump v. United States where Donald Trump is claiming he has absolute immunity from any crimes he committed while serving as President of the United States.

Our judicial system includes a fundamental ethical standard that judges remain independent and unbiased in cases before them. This standard is not only an informal tradition but is also explicit in the new code of ethics recently adopted by the Supreme Court.

TAKE ACTION: Hold Justice Alito accountable for his brazen and impeachable conduct.

Justice Alito’s outrageous and disqualifying conduct cannot be ignored. First and foremost, he needs to recuse himself from Trump v. United States. This case will decide whether Trump can be tried for conspiring to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.

But recusal alone is not enough:

Justice Alito should recognize that this conduct warrants resignation.
Justice Roberts must exercise his leadership and intercede.
Congress should begin an impeachment investigation.
The Supreme Court is facing a crisis of legitimacy. We must demand an end to corruption at the highest court in our nation. Justice Alito must be removed from the Supreme Court.

Add Your Name: Hold Justice Alito accountable for his brazen and impeachable conduct.

Thank you for your advocacy and support. Together, we can restore balance and integrity to the Supreme Court. Learn more by visiting our new campaign: SCOTUS Reform Now.

In Solidarity,

Free Speech For People

Paid for by Free Speech For People


Cum să scapi de TSPT

17 May

Cum să scap de tulburarea de stres post traumatic (TSP)? IA scrie:
“Există mai multe opțiuni de tratament și strategii de coping care pot ajuta:

1. **Terapia psihologică**: Terapia cognitiv-comportamentală (TCC) este adesea recomandată pentru TSP, ajutând la procesarea evenimentelor traumatice și la schimbarea gândurilor și comportamentelor negative.
2. **Tehnici de relaxare**: Tehnici precum mindfulness, meditația sau exercițiile de respirație pot reduce simptomele de anxietate și stres.
3. **Medicație**: În unele cazuri, medicamentele pot fi prescrise pentru a ajuta la gestionarea simptomelor, cum ar fi antidepresivele sau anxioliticele.
4. **Suportul grupurilor**: Grupurile de suport pot oferi un spațiu sigur pentru a împărtăși experiențe și a învăța de la alții care se confruntă cu TSP.
5. **Tehnica Rewind**: Este o metodă special creată pentru tratarea TSP, care folosește puterea minții pentru a rescrie amintirile traumatice și a le descărca de emoția negativă³⁴.

Este esențial să consulți un specialist în sănătate mintală pentru a discuta despre cele mai potrivite opțiuni pentru situația ta specifică. Un profesionist îți poate oferi un plan de tratament personalizat și te poate ghida în procesul de vindecare. Dacă simți că simptomele TSP îți perturbă viața, nu ezita să cauți ajutor¹².

Pentru mai multe informații și resurse, te încurajez să accesezi linkurile pe care le-am inclus în răspunsul meu. Sănătatea ta mintală este importantă, și există ajutor disponibil pentru a te sprijini în această călătorie.

Sursă: conversație cu Bing, 17.05.2024
(1) Ce este tulburarea de stres post-traumatic si cum scapi de ea?.
(2) Ce este Tulburarea de Stres Post-Traumatic (TSPT) şi cum putem scăpa de ea?.
(3) Gestionarea tulburării de stres posttraumatic: strategii de coping și ….
(4) Tulburarea de stres post-traumatic (PTSD) |
(5) Tulburare de stres post-traumatic (PTSD) – MedLife.

Există multe exerciții de relaxare pe care le poți încerca acasă pentru a te ajuta să te simți mai liniștit și pentru a reduce stresul. Iată câteva tehnici eficiente:

1. **Respirația profundă**: Este o tehnică simplă și eficientă. Așază-te confortabil, inspiră adânc, ține aerul în piept timp de patru secunde și apoi expiră lent timp de opt secunde. Repetă de cel puțin cinci ori¹.

2. **Terapia prin desen**: Desenul poate ajuta la eliminarea tensiunii și la reducerea stresului. Nu este necesar să ai talent artistic; poți folosi cărți de colorat sau pictura prin numere ca metodă de relaxare¹.

3. **Meditația**: Concentrează-te asupra respirației și a gândurilor pentru a calma mintea. Există diverse tipuri de meditație, inclusiv meditația ghidată sau prin vizualizare¹.

4. **Yoga**: Practica yoga combină poziții de întindere și echilibru cu tehnici de respirație și poate fi foarte relaxantă. Există multe resurse online pentru începători¹.

5. **Aromaterapia**: Utilizarea uleiurilor esențiale, cum ar fi lavanda, menta și ylang-ylang, poate reduce stresul și îmbunătăți starea de spirit. Uleiurile pot fi aplicate pe piele sau folosite în difuzoare¹.

6. **Sportul**: Activitatea fizică poate elibera tensiunea musculară și reduce stresul. Chiar și exerciții ușoare făcute regulat pot avea un efect pozitiv¹.

Acestea sunt doar câteva dintre metodele pe care le poți încerca pentru a te relaxa acasă. Este important să găsești tehnica care ți se potrivește cel mai bine și să menții o atitudine pozitivă. Pentru mai multe tehnici și detalii, poți accesa [acest articol](^1^) care oferă informații suplimentare despre metodele de relaxare.

Sursă: conversație cu Bing, 17.05.2024
(1) 7 tehnici de relaxare pe care poți să le practici acasă.
(2) 7 tehnici de relaxare pe care poți să le practici acasă.
(3) 19 tehnici de relaxare eficiente pe care le poti incerca acasa.
(4) Metode de relaxare cand lucrezi de acasa – MAZE Center.
(5) Metode de relaxare cand lucrezi de acasa – MAZE Center.

Există câteva aplicații gratuite de relaxare care sunt foarte apreciate și pot fi de mare ajutor. Iată câteva dintre ele:

1. **Insight Timer**: Această aplicație oferă o bibliotecă vastă de până la 80.000 de meditații ghidate, toate fără niciun cost. Practicile de meditație și exercițiile de mindfulness sunt preînregistrate cu profesori experimentați și este disponibilă atât pentru iOS, cât și pentru Android².

2. **The Mindfulness App**: Oferă o practică ghidată pe o perioadă de cinci zile și o introducere în mindfulness. Poți asculta meditații ghidate și silențioase timp de doar 3 minute. De asemenea, configurarea amintirilor și a notificărilor te ajută să fii atent pe tot parcursul zilei¹.

Aceste aplicații sunt excelente pentru începători și pot fi folosite pentru a îmbunătăți sănătatea mintală și fizică. Te încurajez să le explorezi și să vezi care se potrivește cel mai bine nevoilor tale.

Sursă: conversație cu Bing, 17.05.2024
(1) Cele mai bune 7 aplicații de meditație pentru a vă ajuta să începeți.
(2) Cele mai bune aplicații ale anului 2020 pentru meditație și relaxare.
(3) Cele mai bune aplicații pentru a reduce anxietatea și stresul ….

PTSD este o tulburare cronică, multifactorială, care urmează expunerii la evenimente traumatice. Termenul de tulburare de stres post-traumatic a fost inventat pentru prima dată în 1980, în Manualul de diagnostic și statistică, ediția a 3-a (numită și DSM-3, publicația de diagnostic utilizată de profesioniștii medicali pentru a diagnostica afecțiunile de sănătate mintală). În 2013, DSM-5, ediția actuală, a dezvoltat o listă de verificare pe care să o folosească pentru diagnosticarea PTSD. Conform DSM-5, PTSD cuprinde 20 de simptome care se încadrează în patru grupuri distincte care apar după expunerea la traumă, inclusiv: -2- [unele simptome probabil nu apar la toți suferinzii]

Amintiri și coșmaruri ale traumei, supărătoare, involuntare, recurente
Reacții disociative și flashback-uri
Suferire psihologică intensă sau prelungită
Reacții fiziologice marcate.

Evitarea amintirilor de traumă internă și externă (cum ar fi amintiri, gânduri, sentimente, oameni, locuri, activități)
Cogniție negativă și starea de spirit negativă
Amnezie legată de traumă Credințele negative persistente, exagerate și cognițiile distorsionate duc la învinuirea inadecvată a sinelui sau a celorlalți
O persistentă, negativă stare emoțională
Pierderea interesului sau neparticiparea la activități semnificative
Sentimente detașate sau înstrăinate de ceilalți
Pierderea persistentă a emoțiilor pozitive

Iritabilitate și izbucniri de furie cu puțină/nicio provocare Comportament imprudent sau autodistructiv

Grija exagerată
Probleme de concentrare Tulburări de somn

Simptomele suplimentare includ suferință semnificativă clinic sau tulburări de funcționare, precum și simptome care durează mai mult de o lună care nu pot fi atribuite niciunei alte afecțiuni sau substanțe medicale.

Expunerea la traume include expunerea directă la traume, asistarea la traume ale altora, aflarea că un membru apropiat al familiei sau un prieten este expus la traume sau expunerea repetată sau extremă la detalii aversive.

În PTSD, mai multe structuri ale creierului sunt modificate pentru a induce o stare de hiperactivitate. Amigdala, structura responsabilă pentru răspunsurile la frică, este hiperexcitabilă și capacitatea sa de a detecta amenințările și exprimarea fricii este amplificată la cei cu PTSD.4 Griul periaqueductal (PAG) orchestrează răspunsurile fiziologice, cum ar fi ritmul cardiac, care funcționează în exces cu PTSD.

PTSD și violența la ofițerii de poliție
Foto: Ofițer de poliție stând cu capul în jos

Studiile au arătat că ofițerii de poliție militară cu experiență de luptă au fost mai puțin susceptibili de a utiliza abilități pozitive de adaptare decât ofițerii de poliție non-militari, în ciuda unei rate mai mari de evenimente care pun viața în pericol în cei din urmă . Alte studii au descoperit o asociere între o anumită variantă de genă cu risc crescut de PTSD la ofițerii de poliție traumatizați anterior, sugerând că ofițerii veterani prezintă un risc mai mare de vătămare morală decât omologii lor civili.9 Cei care suferă de „vătămare morală”, un termen folosit pentru a descrie trauma întâmpinării dilemelor etice la locul de muncă, sunt, de asemenea, asociate cu defecțiuni suplimentare în luarea deciziilor etice și simptome exasperante de PTSD, cum ar fi iritabilitatea, agresivitatea, comportament riscant, hipervigilența și pierderea (oboseala) de compasiune.10

In engleză
“PTSD is a chronic, multifactorial disorder that follows exposure to traumatic events. The term post-traumatic stress disorder was first coined in 1980, in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 3rd Edition (also referred to as the DSM-3, the diagnostic publication used by medical professionals to diagnose mental health conditions). In 2013, the DSM-5, the current edition, developed a checklist to use for a PTSD diagnosis. According to the DSM-5, PTSD encompasses 20 symptoms that fall into four distinct clusters that occur after exposure to the trauma, including:2

Recurrent, involuntary distressing trauma memories and dreams
Dissociative reactions and flashbacks
Intense or prolonged psychological distress
Marked physiological reactions

Avoidance of internal and external trauma reminders (such as memories, thoughts, feelings, people, places, activities)
Negative cognition and mood
Amnesia related to trauma
Persistent, exaggerated negative beliefs and distorted cognitions lead to inappropriate blaming of self or others
A persistent, negative emotional state
Loss of interest or participation in significant activities
Detached or estranged feelings from others
Persistent loss of positive emotions

Irritability and angry outbursts with little/no provocation
Reckless or self-destructive behavior
Exaggerated startle
Concentration problems
Sleep disturbances

Additional symptoms include clinically significant distress or functioning impairment, as well as symptoms lasting for longer than a month that are not attributable to any other medical condition or substance.

The qualifying trauma exposure includes direct exposure to trauma, witnessing others’ traumas, learning of a close family member or friend being exposed to trauma, or repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details.

In PTSD, multiple structures in the brain are altered to induce a state of hyperactivity. The amygdala, the structure responsible for fear responses, is hyperexcitable and its ability to detect threats and expression of fear is amplified in those with PTSD.4 The periaqueductal grey (PAG) orchestrates the physiological responses, such as heart rate, that work in excess with PTSD.

PTSD and Violence in Police Officers
Police officer sitting with head down
Studies have shown that military police officers with combat experience were less likely to utilize positive coping skills than non-military police officers, despite a higher rate of life-threatening events in the latter. Other studies have found an association between a particular gene variant with increased risk for PTSD in previously traumatized police officers, suggesting veteran officers are at an increased risk of moral injury than their civilian counterparts.9

Those suffering from “moral injury,” a term used to describe the trauma of experiencing ethical dilemmas when on the job, are also associated with further lapses in ethical decision-making and exasperated PTSD symptoms such as irritability, aggression, engaging in risky behavior, hypervigilance, and compassion fatigue.10”


Veteran-Related PTSD & Police Violence

17 May

“Law enforcement is a popular career among veterans returning to the civilian
workforce – nearly 19% of police officers are veterans.1 The connection between the two is not surprising, as both jobs entail similar ideals and skill sets. The relationship between military service and subsequent employment in law enforcement also carries with it the consequences of military-related post-traumatic stress disorder. With such a prevalence already found in veterans, it is unavoidable that police officers also experience higher rates of PTSD as well.

Written By Autumn Barnes, MD
Medically Reviewed

Why Trust Us

What is PTSD?
PTSD is a chronic, multifactorial disorder that follows exposure to traumatic events. The term post-traumatic stress disorder was first coined in 1980, in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 3rd Edition (also referred to as the DSM-3, the diagnostic publication used by medical professionals to diagnose mental health conditions). In 2013, the DSM-5, the current edition, developed a checklist to use for a PTSD diagnosis. According to the DSM-5, PTSD encompasses 20 symptoms that fall into four distinct clusters that occur after exposure to the trauma, including:2

Recurrent, involuntary distressing trauma memories and dreams
Dissociative reactions and flashbacks
Intense or prolonged psychological distress
Marked physiological reactions
Avoidance of internal and external trauma reminders (such as memories, thoughts, feelings, people, places, activities)
Negative cognition and mood
Amnesia related to trauma
Persistent, exaggerated negative beliefs and distorted cognitions lead to inappropriate blaming of self or others
A persistent, negative emotional state
Loss of interest or participation in significant activities
Detached or estranged feelings from others
Persistent loss of positive emotions
Irritability and angry outbursts with little/no provocation
Reckless or self-destructive behavior
Exaggerated startle
Concentration problems
Sleep disturbances
Additional symptoms include clinically significant distress or functioning impairment, as well as symptoms lasting for longer than a month that are not attributable to any other medical condition or substance.

The qualifying trauma exposure includes direct exposure to trauma, witnessing others’ traumas, learning of a close family member or friend being exposed to trauma, or repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details.

In PTSD, multiple structures in the brain are altered to induce a state of hyperactivity. The amygdala, the structure responsible for fear responses, is hyperexcitable and its ability to detect threats and expression of fear is amplified in those with PTSD.4 The periaqueductal grey (PAG) orchestrates the physiological responses, such as heart rate, that work in excess with PTSD.

PTSD and Violence in Police Officers
Police officer sitting with head down
Studies have shown that military police officers with combat experience were less likely to utilize positive coping skills than non-military police officers, despite a higher rate of life-threatening events in the latter. Other studies have found an association between a particular gene variant with increased risk for PTSD in previously traumatized police officers, suggesting veteran officers are at an increased risk of moral injury than their civilian counterparts.9

Those suffering from “moral injury,” a term used to describe the trauma of experiencing ethical dilemmas when on the job, are also associated with further lapses in ethical decision-making and exasperated PTSD symptoms such as irritability, aggression, engaging in risky behavior, hypervigilance, and compassion fatigue.10

Difficulties controlling one’s automatic defensive responses may impair split-second decisions under threat and can also increase the risk of PTSD symptoms, which has implications in high-risk professions such as law enforcement.

Studies have been conducted testing these responses, such as shooting tasks in which one of two opponents was presented to officers, one pointing a phone and the other pointing a gun. If the officer successfully inhibits shooting in response to an inappropriate stimulus, it is considered a positive response.11

Furthermore, independent of military history, PTSD is already a symptom of repeated exposure to traumatic circumstances encountered during police work.8

PTSD Prevalence in Veterans
There is a strong correlation between military service and rates of PTSD, which garnered public concern during military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. The incidence rate of PTSD in veterans ranges from 5.4% to 16.8% – nearly double the rate found in the general population both nationally and abroad.2 One study found an association between serving in combat roles and the risk of committing violent offenses among UK military personnel (6.3% risk vs. 2.4%) and specifically, an increased risk of 8.6% in those with PTSD and hyperarousal symptoms.6

There is also an association between PTSD and impaired social functioning and emotional regulation, resulting in aggression and domestic violence in veterans.2 One study found connections between dissociative symptoms and an increased degree of functional impairment.

background image
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Treatment and Prevention of PTSD
Prevention of PTSD is a three-pronged approach that requires education and psychotherapy, training in coping and relaxation techniques, and pharmacological interventions (the most common are SSRIs). Possible psychological interventions include:2

Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Cognitive processing therapy
Cognitive therapy
Cognitive restructuring
Coping skills therapy
Stress inoculation therapy
Exposure-based therapy
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
Hypnosis and hypnotherapy
Brief eclectic psychotherapy
Mindfulness training is a newer therapy that has shown some success with police officers. In one study of Brazilian police, mindfulness training resulted in a reduction in the severity of anxiety and depression for up to six months after the training.7 Virtual treatment options have also helped veteran police officers obtain treatment in an accessible manner while addressing privacy concerns.3

Strength of Evidence
The available evidence indicates a finding that:

PTSD is associated with feelings of aggression and potential violent conduct
PTSD is highly prevalent among military veterans
Law enforcement is a common career path for military veterans
Less is known as to the data directly measuring the rates of PTSD-induced violence in the veteran and police populations but studies have shown associations between PTSD and later bouts of violence.
Legal Issues
Potential discrimination by police departments against their veteran officers with PTSD (See Cooling v. City of Torrington (Ct. Sup. Ct.))
Potential use of PTSD as a defense strategy in criminal cases against law enforcement

Works Cited

Lewis GB, Pathak R. The Employment of Veterans in State and Local Government Service. :34.URL


Miao X-R, Chen Q-B, Wei K, Tao K-M, Lu Z-J. Posttraumatic stress disorder: from diagnosis to prevention. Mil Med Res. 2018;5:32. URL


Jones C, Miguel-Cruz A, Smith-MacDonald L, et al. Virtual Trauma-Focused Therapy for Military Members, Veterans, and Public Safety Personnel With Posttraumatic Stress Injury: Systematic Scoping Review. JMIR MHealth UHealth. 2020;8(9):e22079. URL


Koch SBJ, Klumpers F, Zhang W, et al. The role of automatic defensive responses in the development of posttraumatic stress symptoms in police recruits: protocol of a prospective study. Eur J Psychotraumatology. 2017;8(1):1412226. URL


MacManus D, Dean K, Jones M, et al. Violent offending by UK military personnel deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan: a data linkage cohort study. The Lancet. 2013;381(9870):907-917. URL


Boyd JE, Protopopescu A, O’Connor C, et al. Dissociative symptoms mediate the relation between PTSD symptoms and functional impairment in a sample of military members, veterans, and first responders with PTSD. Eur J Psychotraumatology. 2018;9(1):1463794. URL


Trombka M, Demarzo M, Campos D, et al. Mindfulness Training Improves Quality of Life and Reduces Depression and Anxiety Symptoms Among Police Officers: Results From the POLICE Study—A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Front Psychiatry. 2021;12:624876.URL


Maguen, S., Metzler, T. J., McCaslin, S. E., Inslicht, S. S., Henn-Haase, C., Neylan, T. C., & Marmar, C. R. (2009). Routine Work Environment Stress and PTSD Symptoms in Police Officers. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 197(10), 754–760. URL


Krzyzewska IM, Ensink JBM, Nawijn L, et al. Genetic variant in CACNA1C is associated with PTSD in traumatized police officers. Eur J Hum Genet. 2018;26(2):247-257. URL


Koenig HG, Al Zaben F. Moral Injury: An Increasingly Recognized and Widespread Syndrome. J Relig Health. Published online July 10, 2021:1-23. URL


Koch SBJ, Klumpers F, Zhang W, et al. The role of automatic defensive responses in the development of posttraumatic stress symptoms in police recruits: protocol of a prospective study. Eur Psychotraumatology. 2017;8(1):1412226. URL


Autumn Barnes, MD

Autumn Barnes, MD, is a seasoned medical professional with a keen focus on Women’s Health, underpinned by a rich background that spans various facets of the medical field. Beginning her academic career with a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience from UCLA, Dr. Barnes developed a profound interest in patient care, further amplified during her tenure as a Care Extender at Ronald Reagan Hospital, where she was recognized for her exceptional service. Her journey through medicine led her to St. George’s University School of Medicine, culminating in a residency in Family Medicine at HCA Florida Oak Hill Hospital. Dr. Barnes’s experience is complemented by her roles in medical administration and data analysis, notably improving operational efficiencies and patient care processes.

Her professional narrative is characterized by a deep commitment to healthcare, especially in managing and understanding the complexities of Women’s Health. Dr. Barnes’s transition into Obstetrics and Gynecology, fueled by her clinical rotations and a foundational role at engage2Health, highlights her ability to bridge the gap between clinical practice and healthcare data management. This unique blend of skills ensures that her contributions to medical content are not only informed by firsthand clinical experience but also by a comprehensive understanding of healthcare’s broader implications, making her an invaluable asset to any medical platform seeking to enhance its content with expertise and insight.”


“approaching others with curiosity and respect and a willingness to learn from each other even if there’s a disagreement”

14 May

“Use “reciprocal empathy” to heal office political divides

As political debate grows in society, companies are taking different paths, with some banning such communication, like tech company 37Signals and others, like Intuit, creating systems to moderate such discussions. Leaders can handle political conflict in the office by using and teaching their teams how to use “reciprocal empathy,” says Mary-Frances Winters, founder and CEO of The Winters Group, which involves approaching others with curiosity and respect and a willingness to learn from each other even if there’s a disagreement”


Conducerea Saudită abuzează?

13 May

“Peste un milion de oameni au fost strămutați pentru a face loc proiectului Jeddah Central din orașul saudit din vestul țării în urma căruia vor fi construite o operă, un cartier sportiv și magazine și locuințe de lux. Nader Hijazi a crescut în Aziziyah – una dintre cele aproximativ 63 de cartiere afectate de demolări. Casa tatălui său a fost pusă la pământ în 2021, fiind anunțat că trebuie să se mute cu mai puțin de o lună înainte de distrugerea casei. Hijazi spune că pozele pe care le-a văzut cu cartierul în care a locuit l-au șocat: semănau cu o zonă de război. „Ei poartă un război împotriva oamenilor, un război împotriva identității noastre.” Din cele 35 de persoane evacuate din Jeddah și contactate de ALQST, niciuna nu a primit compensații și nici nu au fost avertizate din timp, așa cum cere legea. Mai mult de jumătate dintre ei au spus că au fost amenințați că vor fi arestați ca să își părăsească locuințele. Colonelul Alenezi trăiește acum în Marea Britanie, dar se teme în continuare pentru viața sa. El a povestit că un ofițer al serviciilor de informații i-a spus că va primi 5 milioane de dolari dacă va participa la o întâlnire la ambasada saudită de la Londra cu ministrul de interne din Arabia Saudită. Alenezi a refuzat. Jurnalistul Jamal Khashoggi, un critic al guvernului saudit care locuia în America, a fost ucis de agenți saudiți în consulatul Arabiei Saudite de la Istanbul în 2018. Un raport al serviciilor de informații americane a ajuns la concluzia că Mohamed bin Salman ar fi aprobat operațiunea. „Mohamed bin Salman nu va lăsa nimic să stea în calea construirii NEOM… am început să fiu tot mai îngrijorat de ceea ce mi s-ar fi cerut să îi fac poporului meu”, a spus Alenezi.

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Legal News: “Trucking Co. Can’t Undo $20M Verdict In Crash Death Suit

30 Apr

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The American people deserve an ethical Supreme Court that reflects our values and upholds the Constitution for all

30 Apr


BREAKING: Free Speech For People has just launched SCOTUS Reform Now, a comprehensive demand for accountability and reform within the United States Supreme Court to restore its legitimacy and integrity.

Never before in our history have we had a Supreme Court so fully captured by powerful monied interests as the current Court. Investigative reporting from ProPublica has exposed that at least two justices have accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts from billionaires. The lack of ethical standards corresponds with Court decisions that have disproportionately harmed vulnerable communities. It has overturned a 50-year precedent establishing the right to choose, opened the door to racial and LGBTQ+ discrimination, favored corporate interests over those of the public, and twisted freedom of religion into a license for the Christian majority to discriminate against disfavored minorities.

WATCH: Introducing SCOTUS Reform Now

SCOTUS Reform Now calls for a multi-pronged approach to restore the Court’s balance and legitimacy:

Investigate Corruption: Free Speech For People demands the Senate Judiciary Committee subpoena right-wing billionaire Harlan Crow and enforce the existing subpoena against Leonard Leo of the Federalist Society. A full investigation into corruption at the Supreme Court is necessary.
Hold Justices Accountable: The campaign urges the House Judiciary Committee to initiate impeachment proceedings against Justice Thomas for alleged abuses of power and Justice Kavanaugh regarding sexual misconduct allegations, perjury, and conspiracy to obstruct congressional proceedings.
Expand the Court: To restore balance and ensure the rights of the American people, Congress should pass the Judiciary Act, adding four seats to the Supreme Court.
Enforce Ethical Standards: Congress must pass The Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency (SCERT) Act and The Judicial Ethics Enforcement Act of 2024. These bills would establish a code of conduct for justices, improve disclosure, create an Office of Inspector General, and ban substantial gifts to justices.
The American people deserve a Supreme Court that reflects our values and upholds the Constitution for all. Our democracy depends on it.

Thank you for your support and for everything you do.

In solidarity,

P.S. You can learn more about our new campaign and take action here:


Isărescu, guvernatorul BNR, este un viticultor peste medie; dar mai are timp să guverneze corect și etic inflația masei monetare din România?

30 Apr

“Casa Isărescu produce o diversitate mare de vinuri din strugurii culeși de pe cele 40 de hectare de vie pe care guvernatorul României îi deține în apropierea orașului Drăgășani.


Esențială este “menținerea „angajamentului elitelor față de binele comun” ” si nu îmbogățire neetica

30 Apr

Cât privește factorii declanșatori ai declinului SUA, analiștii de la Rand menționează printre ei unii care ne sunt familiari în 2024, comentează editorialistul.

„Dependența de lux și decadența”, „eșecul de a ține pasul cu… cerințele tehnologice”, birocrația „închistată”, „pierderea virtuții civice”, „suprasolicitarea militară”, „elitele egoiste, care se luptă între ele”, „practicile nesustenabile de mediu”.

Provocarea este „reînnoirea națională anticipată”, susțin autorii; adică, abordarea problemelor înainte ca acestea să preia controlul. Prin examinarea literaturii istorice și sociologice, autorii identifică instrumente esențiale pentru reînnoire, cum ar fi recunoașterea problemei, adoptarea unei atitudini de rezolvare a problemelor mai degrabă decât una ideologică, existența unor structuri de bună guvernare și, poate cel mai greu de atins, menținerea „angajamentului elitelor față de binele comun”


România: Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2023 – by United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor : ” According to the 2023 EU Justice Scoreboard, 51 percent of the general population perceived the level of independence of courts and judges to be “fairly or very good.” Trial Procedures The constitution and the law provided for the right to a fair and public trial, and the judiciary generally enforced this right. Trial delays occurred due to heavy caseloads and procedural inconsistencies, as well as a lack of sufficient personnel, physical space, and technology. Conflicts of interest were present in the judicial system in high-profile cases.

29 Apr

“In July, the Constitutional Court ruled pension cuts for several categories of
public servants, including judicial officials, were unconstitutional, despite
the fact these cuts would have directly affected the pensions of the deciding
constitutional judges.

According to the 2023 EU
Justice Scoreboard, 51 percent of the general population perceived the level
of independence of courts and judges to be “fairly or very good.”
Trial Procedures
The constitution and the law provided for the right to a fair and public trial,
and the judiciary generally enforced this right.
Trial delays occurred due to heavy caseloads and procedural inconsistencies,
as well as a lack of sufficient personnel, physical space, and technology.
Conflicts of interest were present in the judicial system in high-profile cases.

Independent online outlet Hotnews media claimed the harassment against
Sercan was condoned and possibly directed by representatives from the
governing National Liberal Party (PNL). Hotnews asserted PNL members
were instructed to attack Sercan during media interviews and to insist she
had “a political vendetta” and “bad intentions.” In January, two articles
disparaging Sercan were published on Facebook and two news websites.
Debunking platform Misreport analyzed the posts and claimed they were
paid for by an advertising agency registered with the Permanent Electoral
Authority as having contracts with the PNL in the 2020 electoral campaigns.
Sercan asserted she was the victim of a well-documented “government orchestrated smear campaign.”